/************************************** * VulcanOS Kernel * * Developed by Marco 'icebit' Cetica * * (c) 2019-2021 * * Released under GPLv3 * * https://github.com/ice-bit/iceOS * ***************************************/ #include "drivers/tty.h" #include "drivers/gdt.h" #include "drivers/idt.h" #include "drivers/timer.h" #include "drivers/keyboard.h" #include "mem/paging.h" #include "mem/kheap.h" #include "mem/multiboot.h" #include "userspace/shell.h" #include "libc/stdio.h" #include "libc/panic.h" #include #define PRTOK printf("\n["); printf_color(" OK ", LIGHT_GREEN, BLACK); printf("]"); // Ugly hack to print "[ OK ]" #define PRTAT printf("\n["); printf_color(" ** ", LIGHT_BROWN, BLACK); printf("]"); // Ugly hack to print "[ * ]" #define PRTER printf("\n["); printf_color(" ERR ", LIGHT_RED, BLACK); printf("]"); // Ugly hack to print "[ ER ]" void kernel_main(unsigned long magic, uint32_t addr) { // First of all, check if we're booted by a Multiboot-compliant boot loader if(magic != MULTIBOOT2_BOOTLOADER_MAGIC) { PRTER printf(" - Invalid magic number: %x\n", (unsigned)magic); PANIC("Invalid multiboot magic number"); } if(addr & 7) { PRTER printf(" - Unaligned mbi: %x\n", addr); PANIC("Unaligned multiboot MBI"); } printf("Loading kernel, wait please..."); gdt_setup(); // Setup Global Descriptor Table PRTOK printf(" - Loaded GDT"); idt_setup(); // Setup Interrupt Descriptor Table PRTOK printf(" - Loaded IDT"); init_timer(1); // Initialize PIT driver PRTOK printf(" - Loaded PIT"); init_keyboard(); // Initialize keyboard driver PRTOK printf(" - Loaded PS/2 driver"); init_paging(); // Initialize paging PRTOK printf(" - Loaded Paging"); PRTAT printf(" - Testing heap...\t"); uint32_t x = kmalloc(32), y = kmalloc(32); printf("x: %x, y: %x", x, y); kfree((void*)y); uint32_t z = kmalloc(8); printf(", z: %x", z); // If z is equal to y, heap's anti-fragmentation algorithm works ASSERT(z == y); kfree((void*)z), kfree((void*)x); PRTOK printf(" - Heap works!"); init_prompt(); // Initialize frame buffer }