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Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# CLI tool to determine various information
# of a given IPv4 address in CIDR format
# Developed by Marco Cetica (c) 2023 <>
import sys
import ipaddress
class IP:
"""Extract various information from an IPv4 in CIDR format"""
cidr: str = ""
ip_addr: str = ""
mask: str = ""
mask_bin: str = ""
network_prefix: str = ""
network_bin: str = ""
host_prefix: str = ""
host_bin: str = ""
usable_hosts: str = ""
def __init__(self, cidr):
# Check if CIDR is properly formatted
if '/' not in cidr:
raise ValueError("Invalid CIDR('')")
# Check if IP address is valid
ip_addr, mask = cidr.split('/')
octets = ip_addr.split('.')
if len(octets) != 4:
raise ValueError("Invalid IP address")
for v in octets:
if int(v) > 255 or int(v) < 0:
raise ValueError("IP address out of range")
# Check if subnet mask is in range
if int(mask) > 32 or int(mask) < 1:
raise ValueError("Subnet mask out of range")
# Otherwise set cidr
self.cidr = cidr
def extract_data(self) -> None:
# Get IP and subnet mask
self.ip_addr = self.cidr.split('/')[0]
self.mask = ipaddress.IPv4Network(self.cidr, strict=False).netmask
# Convert both of them to int
network = ipaddress.IPv4Network(self.ip_addr)
ip_addr_int = int(network.network_address)
mask_int = int(self.mask)
# Get network and host prefix
network_prefix_int = (ip_addr_int & mask_int)
host_prefix_int = (ip_addr_int & ~mask_int)
# Convert network and host prefix back to dot notation
self.network_prefix = str(ipaddress.IPv4Network(network_prefix_int)).split('/')[0]
self.host_prefix = str(ipaddress.IPv4Network(int(host_prefix_int))).split('/')[0]
# Get binary representation of ip address, mask and prefixes
self.ip_bin = ' '.join(format(int(x), '08b') for x in self.ip_addr.split('.'))
self.mask_bin = ' '.join(format(int(x), '08b') for x in str(self.mask).split('.'))
self.network_bin = ' '.join(format(int(x), '08b') for x in self.network_prefix.split('.'))
self.host_bin = ' '.join(format(int(x), '08b') for x in self.host_prefix.split('.'))
# Compute usable hosts
mask_complement = (~mask_int & (2 ** mask_int.bit_length() - 1))
bit_count = bin(mask_complement).count('1')
self.usable_hosts = (2 ** bit_count - 2) if bit_count > 0 else 0
def main():
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print(f"Usage {sys.argv[0]} <CIDR>")
# Get the CIRD
cidr = sys.argv[1]
# Extract info from IP
ip = IP(cidr)
print(f"IP Address: {ip.ip_addr} ({ip.ip_bin})")
print(f"Subnet Mask: {ip.mask} ({ip.mask_bin})")
print(f"Network Prefix: {ip.network_prefix} ({ip.network_bin})")
print(f"Host Prefix: {ip.host_prefix} ({ip.host_bin})")
print(f"Usable Hosts: {ip.usable_hosts}")
except ValueError as e:
if __name__ == "__main__":