Marco Cetica 711080e27c
All checks were successful
dc / build (push) Successful in 16s
Improved code
2024-03-27 12:05:39 +01:00

277 lines
9.3 KiB

#include <cmath>
#include <iomanip>
#include "adt.cpp"
#include "statistics.h"
#include "is_num.h"
std::optional<std::string> Statistics::exec(dc::Stack<std::string> &stack, dc::Parameters &parameters, std::unordered_map<char, dc::Register> &regs) {
std::optional<std::string> err = std::nullopt;
switch(this->op_type) {
case OPType::PERM: err = fn_perm(stack, parameters); break;
case OPType::COMB: err = fn_comb(stack, parameters); break;
case OPType::SUMX: err = fn_sum(stack, parameters, regs); break;
case OPType::SUMXX: err = fn_sum_squared(stack, parameters, regs); break;
case OPType::MEAN: err = fn_mean(stack, parameters, regs); break;
case OPType::SDEV: err = fn_sdev(stack, parameters, regs); break;
case OPType::LREG: err = fn_lreg(stack, parameters, regs); break;
default: break;
return err;
std::optional<std::string> Statistics::fn_perm(dc::Stack<std::string> &stack, const dc::Parameters &parameters) {
// Check if stack has enough elements
if(stack.size() < 2) {
return "'gP' requires two operands";
// Extract two entries from the stack
auto len = stack.size()-1;
auto head = stack[len];
auto second = stack[len-1];
auto is_head_num = is_num<long long>(head);
auto is_second_num = is_num<long long>(second);
// Check whether both entries are integers
if(is_head_num && is_second_num) {
auto x = std::stoll(stack.pop(true));
auto y = std::stoll(stack.pop(true));
// Compute factorial of numerator and denominator
// and check if result is a non-negative integer
auto numerator_opt = factorial(y);
auto denominator_opt = factorial(y - x);
if(numerator_opt == std::nullopt || denominator_opt == std::nullopt) {
return "'gP' requires positive integers";
unsigned long long permutation = numerator_opt.value() / denominator_opt.value();
stack.push(trim_digits(static_cast<double>(permutation), parameters.precision));
} else {
return "'gP' requires integer values";
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<std::string> Statistics::fn_comb(dc::Stack<std::string> &stack, const dc::Parameters &parameters) {
// Check if stack has enough elements
if(stack.size() < 2) {
return "'gC' requires two operands";
// Extract two entries from the stack
auto len = stack.size()-1;
auto head = stack[len];
auto second = stack[len-1];
auto is_head_num = is_num<long long>(head);
auto is_second_num = is_num<long long>(second);
// Check whether both entries are integers
if(is_head_num && is_second_num) {
auto n = std::stoull(stack.pop(true));
auto k = std::stoull(stack.pop(true));
// Check if combination is non-negative
if(n > k) {
return "'gC' requires positive integers";
// From Knuth's "Seminumerical Algorithms" book
unsigned long long combination = 1;
for(unsigned long long i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
combination *= k--;
combination /= i;
stack.push(trim_digits(static_cast<double>(combination), parameters.precision));
} else {
return "'gC' requires integer values";
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<std::string> Statistics::fn_sum(dc::Stack<std::string> &stack, const dc::Parameters &parameters, std::unordered_map<char, dc::Register> &regs) {
// Check whether 'x' register exists
if(regs.find('X') == regs.end()) {
return "Register 'X' is undefined";
// Check if register's stack is empty
if(regs['X'].stack.empty()) {
return "The stack of register 'X' is empty";
// Othewise retrieve summation of register's stack
auto summation = regs['X'].stack.summation();
stack.push(trim_digits(summation, parameters.precision));
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<std::string> Statistics::fn_sum_squared(dc::Stack<std::string> &stack, const dc::Parameters &parameters, std::unordered_map<char, dc::Register> &regs) {
// Check whether 'x' register exists
if(regs.find('X') == regs.end()) {
return "Register 'X' is undefined";
// Check if register's stack is empty
if(regs['X'].stack.empty()) {
return "The stack of register 'X' is empty";
// Othewise retrieve summation of squares of register's stack
auto summation_squared = regs['X'].stack.summation_squared();
stack.push(trim_digits(summation_squared, parameters.precision));
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<std::string> Statistics::fn_mean(dc::Stack<std::string> &stack, const dc::Parameters &parameters, std::unordered_map<char, dc::Register> &regs) {
// Check whether 'x' register exists
if(regs.find('X') == regs.end()) {
return "Register 'X' is undefined";
// Check if register's stack is empty
if(regs['X'].stack.empty()) {
return "The stack of register 'X' is empty";
// Otherwise compute mean
auto summation = regs['X'].stack.summation();
auto size = regs['X'].stack.size();
auto mean = summation / static_cast<double>(size);
stack.push(trim_digits(mean, parameters.precision));
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<std::string> Statistics::fn_sdev(dc::Stack<std::string> &stack, const dc::Parameters &parameters, std::unordered_map<char, dc::Register> &regs) {
// Check whether 'x' register exists
if(regs.find('X') == regs.end()) {
return "Register 'X' is undefined";
// Check if register's stack is empty
if(regs['X'].stack.empty()) {
return "The stack of register 'X' is empty";
// Otherwise, compute the mean
auto summation = regs['X'].stack.summation();
auto count = regs['X'].stack.size();
auto mean = summation / static_cast<double>(count);
// Then compute the sum of the deviations from the mean and square the result
const auto& const_vec = regs['X'].stack.get_ref();
double sum_of_deviations = std::accumulate(const_vec.begin(), const_vec.end(), 0.0,
[&](double acc, const std::string& val) {
double deviation = std::stod(val) - mean;
return acc + std::pow(deviation, 2);
// Then compute the mean of previous values(variance)
auto variance = sum_of_deviations / (static_cast<double>(count) - 1);
// Finally, compute the square root of the variance(standard deviation)
auto s_dev = sqrt(variance);
stack.push(trim_digits(s_dev, parameters.precision));
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<std::string> Statistics::fn_lreg(dc::Stack<std::string> &stack, const dc::Parameters &parameters, std::unordered_map<char, dc::Register> &regs) {
// Check whether 'x' register exists
if(regs.find('X') == regs.end()) {
return "Register 'X' is undefined";
// Check if register's stack is empty
if(regs['X'].stack.empty()) {
return "The stack of register 'X' is empty";
// Check whether 'y' register exists
if(regs.find('Y') == regs.end()) {
return "Register 'Y' is undefined";
// Check if register's stack is empty
if(regs['Y'].stack.empty()) {
return "The stack of register 'Y' is empty";
// Check that both registers have the same length
if(regs['X'].stack.size() != regs['Y'].stack.size()) {
return "'X' and 'Y' registers must be of the same length";
// Otherwise, retrieve count and summations of both sets
auto count = regs['X'].stack.size();
auto x_sum = regs['X'].stack.summation();
auto y_sum = regs['Y'].stack.summation();
// Then compute the sum of products
const auto& x_ref = regs['X'].stack.get_ref();
const auto& y_ref = regs['Y'].stack.get_ref();
std::size_t idx = 0;
double sum_of_products = 0.0;
for(const auto& it : x_ref) {
auto x = std::stod(it);
auto y = std::stod(y_ref[idx++]);
sum_of_products += (x * y);
// Then compute the sum of squares
auto x_sum_squares = regs['X'].stack.summation_squared();
// Then compute the slope of the line(m)
auto slope_numerator = ((static_cast<double>(count) * sum_of_products) - (x_sum * y_sum));
auto slope_denominator = ((static_cast<double>(count) * x_sum_squares) - std::pow(x_sum, 2));
auto slope = slope_numerator / slope_denominator;
// Then compute the intercept of the line(b)
auto intercept = (y_sum - (slope * x_sum)) / static_cast<double>(count);
// Finally push the slope and the intercept(in this order) into the main stack
stack.push(trim_digits(slope, parameters.precision));
stack.push(trim_digits(intercept, parameters.precision));
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<unsigned long long> Statistics::factorial(const long long n) {
if(n < 0) {
return std::nullopt;
unsigned long long factorial = 1;
for(long long i = 2; i <= n; i++) {
factorial *= i;
return factorial;
std::string Statistics::trim_digits(double number, unsigned int precision) {
std::ostringstream oss;
// Preserve non-zero decimal numbers even when precision is zero
if(precision == 0 && std::fmod(number, 1.0) != 0.0) {
precision = 2;
oss << std::fixed << std::setprecision(static_cast<int>(precision)) << number;
std::string s = oss.str();
return s;