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2024-03-13 09:08:08 +01:00
# dc ![](https://github.com/ceticamarco/dc/actions/workflows/dc.yml/badge.svg) [![CodeFactor](https://www.codefactor.io/repository/github/ceticamarco/dc/badge/master)](https://www.codefactor.io/repository/github/ceticamarco/dc/overview/master)
2023-11-02 17:25:24 +01:00
**dc** is an advanced, scientific and programmable RPN desktop calculator with macro support (re)written in C++.
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By default, dc supports a wide range of arithmetical, trigonometrical and numeric functions.
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Its capabilities can be further extended by writing user-defined programs using the embedded, turing-complete, macro system.
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**dc** reads from the standard input, but it can also work with text files using the `-f` flag. Furthermore, you can decide to evaluate an expression
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without opening the REPL by using the `-e` flag.
Operands are pushed onto the stack following the LIFO policy; operators, on the other hand, pop one or more values
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from the stack and push back the result. By default, **dc** is very quiet, in order to inquiry the stack you need to use one of the supported
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options(see below).
`dc` can be invoked with the following command line options:
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RPN desktop calculator with macro support. Usage:
-e, --expression <EXPRESSION> | Evaluate an expression
-f, --file <FILE> | Evaluate a file
-h, --help | Show this helper
-V, --version | Show version
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Some of the supported features are:
- Basic arithmetical operations(`+`, `-`, `*`, `/`, `^`, `%`);
- Scientific notation support(`5e3` -> `5000`);
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- Trigonometrical functions(`sin`, `cos`, `tan`, `asin`, `acos`, `atan`);
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- Base conversion(binary: `pb`, octal: `po`, hexadecimal: `px`);
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- Factorial and constants(`!`, `pi`, `e`);
- Random number generator(`@`);
- Integer conversion(`$`);
- Bitwise operations(`{`, `}`, `l`, `L`, `m`, `M`);
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- Stack operations:
- Print top element(`p`, `P`);
- Clear the stack(`c`);
- Remove top element(`R`);
- Swap order of top two elements(`r`);
- Duplicate top element(`d`);
- Dump the whole stack(`f`);
- Last head, 2nd, 3rd element of the stack(`.x`, `.y`, `.z`);
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- Parameters:
- Set precision(`k`);
- Set input and output radix(`i` and `o`);
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- Registers:
- Store top element of the stack on register `X`(`sX` or `SX`);
- Load content of register `X` on top of the stack(`lX` or `LX`);
- Arrays:
- Store second-to-top of main stack into array `X` indexed by top-of-stack(`:X`);
- Pop top-of-stack and use it as an index for array `X`(`;X`);
- Macros:
- Define a new macro inside square brackets(`[ ]`);
- Executing a macro from the stack(`x`);
- Evaluate a macro by comparing top-of-head and second-of-head elements(`>X`, `<X`, `>=X`, `<=X`, `!=` where `X` is a register);
- Load external file(`'`).
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And much more. You can find the complete manual [here](https://github.com/ice-bit/dc/blob/master/man.md).
## Installation
`dc` is written in C++20 without using any additional dependency. In order to build it, install [CMake](https://cmake.org/), [Ninja](https://ninja-build.org/)
and issue the following commands:
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$> cmake -B build -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .
$> cmake --build build
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A new statically-compiled binary called `dc` will be created in the `build/` directory. To generate a man page from the `man.md` document,
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use the following command(note: needs pandoc):
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$> pandoc man.md -s -t man > dc.1
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Otherwise, if you are running a Linux-based distribution, issue
one of the following commands:
### Debian/Ubuntu:
$> sudo apt install ./dc-<VERSION>.x86_64.deb
### RHEL/Centos/Fedora
$> sudo dnf install ./dc-<VERSION>.x86_64.rpm
### Arch
$> sudo pacman -U dc-<VERSION>-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst
You can find the binaries on the release page or on the `bin` folder
of this repository.
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## Unit tests
This repository as well as the CI pipeline provides unit tests for the
program's features. To run them, issue the following command:
$> ./utest.sh tests
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2023-11-02 17:25:24 +01:00
## Usage
dc can be used in three different ways:
1. From the interactive REPL(run it without any argument);
2. By evaluating an inline expression, i.e.
$> dc -e "5 5 + p"
3. By evaluating a text file, i.e.
$> cat foo
2 4 - # Evaluate 2 - 4
2 ^ # Evaluate x^2
p # Print the result(4)
$> dc -f foo
Below there are more examples.
1. Evaluate
$$\frac{-5 + \sqrt(25 - 16)}{2}$$
-5 25 16 - v + 2 / p
where `v` is the square root function
2. Evaluate
$$\frac{.5 + .9}{3^4}$$
.5 .9 + 3 4 ^ / p
3. Evaluate `10 + 5` inline(i.e. without opening the REPL):
$> dc -e "10 5 +"
4. Evaluate an expression from a file:
$> cat foo
5 5 +
2 d * v
$> dc -f ./foo
5. Evaluate
$$\sin(2\pi) + \cos(2\pi)$$
2 pi * sin 2 pi * cos + p
6. Swap top two elements using registers(you can also use the `r` command):
5 4 p # Load some values on the stack(output: 4)
sA sB # Pop values and store them into the registers 'A' and 'B'
lA lB # Push 'A' and 'B' content onto the stack
p # Print top element(output: 5)
7. Recall last value of top three elements of the stack:
10 1 / # <- Wrong operation: division instead of sum
.y # Call last value of y register
.x # Call last value of x register
+ p # Sum and print head(output: 11)
8. Print out numbers from 1 through user-defined upper bound:
2023-11-02 17:25:24 +01:00
[ p 1 + d lN >L ] sL # Print numbers from 1 through 'N'
[ Enter limit: ] P # Ask user for limit 'N'
? 1 + sN # Read from stdin
c 1 lL x # Clear the stack, add lower bound, load and execute macro
9. Sum the first 36 natural numbers(😈), i.e.,
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$$\sum_{i=1}^{37} i = 666$$
$> dc -e "36 [ d 1 - d 1 <F + ] d sF x p"
10. Print the first 20 values of `n!`:
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[ la 1 + d sa * p la 20 >y ] sy
0 sa 1
ly x
11. Compute the factorial of a given number:
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[ ln 1 - sn ln la * sa ln 1 !=f ] sf
[ Enter value: ] P ? sn
ln sa
lf x
la p
12. Compute the sum $8AB6F + B783E$ in base 16. Print the result in base 10 and in base 2:
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16 i
8AB6F B783E +
[ Result in base 10: ] P R p
[ Result in base 2: ] P R pb
13. Compute the Greatest Common Divisor(GCD) between two user-defined numbers `A` and `B`:
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[ Enter A: ] P R ?
[ Enter B: ] P R ?
[ d Sa r La % d 0 <a ] d sa x +
[ GCD(A,B)= ] P R p
14. Compute the Least Common Multiple(LCM) between two user-defined numbers `A` and `B`:
2023-11-02 17:25:24 +01:00
[ Enter A: ] P R ? d sA
[ Enter B: ] P R ? d SA
[ d Sa r La % d 0 <a ] d sa x +
LA lA * r /
[ LCM(A,B)= ] P R p
15. Find the roots of a quadratic equation of the form:
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$$ax^2 + bx + c = 0$$
with $$a,b,c \in \mathbb{R}, a \neq 0$$
using the formula
$$x_{1,2} = \frac{-b \pm \sqrt{b^2 - 4ac}}{2a}$$
#!/usr/local/bin/dc -f
# AX^2 + BX + C = 0
2023-11-16 16:08:50 +01:00
3 k
2023-11-02 17:25:24 +01:00
[ Enter A: ] P ? sA
[ Enter B: ] P ? sB
[ Enter C: ] P ? sC
lB 2 ^ 4 lA lC * * - v sD
lB -1 * lD - lA # NEGATIVE DELTA
lB -1 * lD + lA # POSITIVE DELTA
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[ X1: ] P R lS p
[ X2: ] P R LS lS p
2023-11-02 17:25:24 +01:00
16. Generate $n$ (pseudo)random numbers from user-defined range:
5 k
[ lA lB @ p ] sR
[ Enter number of samples: ] P ? sN
[ Enter lower bound: ] P ? sA
[ Enter upper bound: ] P ? sB
[ lR x r 1 + d lN >=L ] sL
0 lL x
17. Estimate $\pi$ using Monte Carlo simulation:
2024-03-15 08:42:15 +01:00
10 k
[ 0 1 @ sX 0 1 @ sY ] sR
[ lX 2 ^ sX lY 2 ^ sY ] sQ
[ 0 ;A 1 + 0 :A ] sI
[ 1 lX lY + <=I ] sC
[ lR x lQ x lC x 1 + d lN >=L ] sL
0 0 :A
0 6500 sN
lL x 0 ;A lN /
4 * p
2024-03-20 09:18:56 +01:00
18. Convert a hex color to RGB:
16 i
[ Enter hex value: ] P R ? sV
lV FF { 0 :A # Blue
lV 8 M FF { 1 :A # Green
lV 10 M FF { 2 :A # Red
[ RED: ] P R 2 ;A p
[ GREEN: ] P R 1 ;A p
2024-03-20 09:18:56 +01:00
[ BLUE: ] P R 0 ;A p
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## License