# Bit ![](https://github.com/ceticamarco/bit/actions/workflows/bit.yml/badge.svg) Bit is a simple, web-based, self-hostable text sharing platform written in Java and Spring. You can access it [from here](https://bit.marcocetica.com). The frontend is also open-source, and it's available [on this page](https://github.com/ceticamarco/bit_frontend). ## General **Bit** can be used both from the [frontend](https://bit.marcocetica.com) and through the REST API. Before using it, read the following technical notices: 1. By default, each new _"text"_(from now on: **post**) added to the platform is anonymous and expires after one week. In order to associate a new post to an identity, you first need to register a new user account. The registration process requires a unique **username**, a unique **email address** and a **password**. User accounts can **NOT** be modified or recovered; therefore if you lose your password, you will need to create a new account using a new email address. 2. Each user account is associated with a _user role_ that determines the granular access to the _special_ endpoints. The _user role_ is set by default to **unprivileged** at registration time and can be altered only by manually modifying the database. 3. Special endpoints are only accessible to the **privileged** user class. 4. Posts published with a valid user identity can be altered or deleted. In order to do that, you need to authenticate yourself with your credentials within the update/delete request. Anonymous posts, on the other hand, can **NOT** be altered or removed; if you think that a certain content goes against the terms of service, you can email the owner of the **bit** instance. 5. The expiration date controls whether the post can be showed or not, once the current date is greater or equal than the expiration date, the post is classified as **expired** and thus shall not be showed. Expired posts are **NOT** deleted but may be manually removed by the instance owner. 6. The **bit** platform is _stateless_, hence there is no such thing as user session. Every time you need to use your user account for a certain operation(e.g., create a new post with an identity or delete an existing, non-anonymous post) you will need to provide your user credentials. 7. Deleting an existing user, will result in a [cascade delete](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/ef/core/saving/cascade-delete#:~:text=Cascading%20deletes%20are%20needed%20when%20a%20dependent/child%20entity%20can%20no%20longer%20be%20associated%20with%20its%20current%20principal/parent.%20This%20can%20happen%20because%20the%20principal/parent%20is%20deleted%2C%20or%20it%20can%20happen%20when%20the%20principal/parent%20still%20exists%20but%20the%20dependent/child%20is%20no%20longer%20associated%20with%20it.) of any existing post associated with that user. 8. User signup can be disabled by setting the environment variable `BIT_DISABLE_SIGNUP` to `1`. By default, user registration is enabled(see `docker-compose.yml`). ## Database New posts are stored on a relational database(PostgreSQL) using the Spring ORM system(Hibernate). The architecture of the bit platform consists of two tables: **bt_users** and **bt_posts**. The former stores the user accounts, and it's defined as follows: | Column | Data Type | Nullable | |------------|-------------------|----------| | user ID | `String` | `false` | | created at | `YYYY-MM-DD Date` | `false` | | email | `String` | `false` | | password | `BCrypt` | `false` | | role | `UserRole` | `false` | | username | `String` | `false` | The latter, instead, stores the posts, and it's defined as follows: | Column | Data Type | Nullable | |-----------------|-------------------------|-----------| | post ID | `String` | `false` | | content | `String` | `false` | | created at | `YYYY-MM-DD date` | `false` | | expiration date | `YYYY-MM-DD date` | `true` | | title | `String` | `false` | | user ID | `Foreign key constrain` | `true` | The user password is stored using a `BCrypt` based hash. Each post can be associated with one user(eventually zero) while each user can be associate with multiple posts(eventually zero). The relationship is of the type _"one to many"_ from the user's perspective. ## Deploy In order to deploy the **bit** platform, you will need to install Docker/Podman and docker-compose. Once done that, you can easily launch the backend using the following command: ```sh $> docker-compose up -d ``` By default, the following parameters are used: - `SERVER_PORT`: "3000"; - `POSTGRES_USER`: "bituser"; - `POSTGRES_PASSWORD`: "qwerty1234"; - `POSTGRES_DB`: "bit"; - `SPRING_SECURITY_USER_NAME`: "admin"; - `SPRING_SECURITY_USER_PASSWORD`: "admin". Be sure to update these values by editing the`docker-compose.yml` file. Once the containers are deployed, you can expose the application through a reverse proxy: ```nginx location /api { proxy_pass; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; } ``` ## Endpoints The backend exposes the following REST APIs: ### `POST` New User(`/api/users/new`): _Description_: Add new user. _Parameters_: **username**(`string`), **email**(`string`) **password**(`string`). ### `DELETE` Delete User(`/api/users/delete`): _Description_: Delete an existing user. _Parameters_: **email**(`string`) **password**(`string`). ### `GET` User List(`/api/users`): **(special endpoint)** _Description_: Retrieve all users. _Parameters_: **email**(`string`), **password**(`string`). ### `GET` Post List(`/api/posts`): **(special endpoint)** _Description_: Retrieve all posts. _Parameters_: **email**(`string`), **password**(`string`). ### `GET` Post By ID(`/api/posts/{postID}`): _Description_: Search a post by its ID. _Parameters_: none. ### `GET` Post By Title(`/api/posts/bytitle`): **(special endpoint)** _Description_: Search a post by its title. _Parameters_: **title**(`string`), **user**(`User`). ### `POST` New Post(`/api/posts/new`): _Description_: Add a new post. _Parameters_: **title**(`string`), **content**(`string`), **expirationDate**(`YYYY-MM-DD`), **user**(`User`). ### `PUT` Edit Post(`/api/posts/{postID}`): _Description_: Update an existing, non-anonymous post. _Parameters_: **title**(`string`), **content**(`string`), **user**(`User`). ### `DELETE` Delete Post(`/api/posts/{postID}`): _Description_: Delete an existing, non-anonymous post. _Parameters_: **user**(`User`). ## Examples Below there are some practical examples on how to use the REST API: 1. **Add a non-anonymous, perpetual post**(_note: the user must exist_) `POST` request to `/api/posts/new` with the following body: ```json { "title": "Hello World", "content": "This is a example text snippet", "expirationDate": null, "user": { "email": "john@example.com", "password": "very_bad_pw" } } ``` 2. **Add an anonymous post with expiration date set to January 25, 2024** `POST` request to `/api/posts/new` with the following body: ```json { "title": "Hello World", "content": "This is a example text snippet", "expirationDate": "2024-01-25" } ``` 3. **Delete post "`afj45c`"** `DELETE` request to `/api/posts/afj45c` with the following body: ```json { "email": "john@example.com", "password": "very_bad_pw" } ``` 4. **Get list of all post whose title is "`foo`"** `GET` request to `/api/posts/bytitle` with the following body: ```json { "title": "foo", "user": { "email": "john@example.com", "password": "very_bad_pw" } } ``` In this case user `john@example.com` is a user of the class `PRIVILEGED`. ## Unit tests The **bit** platform provides some unit tests for the _post_ and the _user_ controllers. You can find them in `src/test`. The unit tests are automatically executed during the container bootstrap process, to manually run them issue the following command: ```sh $> ./mvnw test ``` ## License This software is released under the GPLv3 license. You can find a copy of the license with this repository or by visiting the [following page](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/gpl-3.0/).